Official says volunteer firefighters needed across state

MISSISSIPPI (WCBI) – Most towns and cities rely on paid, professional departments to answer fire and emergency calls.

However, in rural areas and smaller towns, those emergencies are handled by groups of dedicated volunteers.

And as Oktibbeha County Fire Coordinator, Patrick Warner, tells us, they have to balance their service with other obligations.

“You know they have to leave their job if they can. Their bosses might not permit it. Or you know the students you know they have to leave class”

But these men and women see it as a service to their neighbors.

“Being a volunteer firefighter is really rewarding. You’re giving back to your community. It’s a selfless job. I mean, you’re doing the job for free. Everyone is giving up their own time, their own money, to go out and help their community and the people they know in their community,” said Warner.

With MSU accounting for a sizable part of the population in Oktibbeha County, students make up a large portion of the volunteer firefighters.

And that comes with its own set of circumstances.

“It’s very hard for them to get up and leave so that’s why it’s so important that you know that we have more people volunteer to help out because some of our volunteers can’t always make it to every emergency call,” said Warner.

On average, it takes about 12 people to respond to a call depending on the level of the emergency.

Most departments are always looking for volunteers.

Check with your local volunteer fire department for more information on how to help.

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