Noxubee County Rolls Out Plan for Fan Limit for Fall Sports
NOXUBEE COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – Schools are scrambling to comply with an executive order limiting attendance at K-12 extracurricular activities, high school football begins soon.
Students involved in any extracurricular activity or sports will only be allowed two spectators per game.
And in Noxubee County, Rodriguez Broadnax, Interim Superintendent of Schools, says it will be a tough transition for schools to make.
Their focus is to make sure each event runs smooth and as safe as possible.
“The district would adhere to all CDC guidelines. As we are doing now with the opening of schools where masks are required, Temperatures are taken, hand sanitizers available. Just to make sure that everybody is social distanced and if there are folks who have COVID-19 symptoms they cannot enter the game,” said Broadnax.
Broadnax says the day before each game, student athletes must let their coaching staff know who they will have in attendance.
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