Organization hosts conflict resolution program for teens

A non-profit organization hosts a conflict resolution program for teens

TUPELO, Miss (WCBI) “A teenager has been shot in Columbus and Police are trying to figure out how it happened.”

It’s an alarming trend.

“A Tupelo teen is in the Lee County jail for shooting into a motor vehicle”

Those headlines are why Israel United Christ group hosts a youth violence seminar. The goal is to teach kids how to solve conflicts better.

“We have efforts to reach the youth to stop the violence,” said Immanuel Israel, Youth Violence Seminar Organizer. “We want to teach them how to resolve violence before it escalates to gun violence or knives or whatever the case may be. That stuff causes the deaths and the prison rates to increase amongst our people.”

Studies show about 3,500 children died from gun-related incidents just last year, including suicides, accidental shootings, and violence. That means about five children die from a bullet for every 100,000 children in the United States.

“That is something that we have dealt with for many decades, and we approach that problem with the Bible,” said Israel. “Because we believe that the Bible has the true concrete solutions for these issues. ”

Tupelo Assistant Police Chief Anthony Hill talked about why any information they share could help keep bad people off the streets.

“The primary thing is that if you see something, or if you see some criminal acts that are occurring, please tell someone,” said Hill. “If you do not trust the police, tell a community leader, a teacher, or an adult, tell someone that you do trust. It is very important to tell someone because you may save lives”

The free seminar was held at the Tupelo Athletic League.

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