Non-profit food bank celebrates 15 years of serving the community

MISSISSIPPI (WCBI) – A statewide, non-profit food bank is celebrating 15 years helping Mississippians stay full.
Extra table works as an umbrella organization and provides $85,000 worth of food to 63 soup kitchens and food pantries across the magnolia state.
Throughout the year, extra table fundraises to purchase the goods to distribute to local communities – some right here in the golden triangle.
Executive director , Marth Allen price said their work remains critical, and no Mississippian deserves to go hungry.
“we love the work we do. We believe the that our food offers dignity, hope, and respect for a better tomorrow. It’s nobody’s life goal to end up in a food pantry line. And its important to recognize that children have to have proper nutrition or their brain doesn’t develop. Are our middle schoolers and high schoolers bad behaved and have bad behavior or can they not here the teacher over their stomach growl. You know college hunger is a huge deal that we don’t even think about. We know that adults are a danger on the factory floor if they are not properly fed and alert and our senior citizens and our sweet grandparents are going to go down quickly if they don’t have proper nutrition,” said Executive Director, Martha Allen Price.
to learn more about how you can get involved visit