New law cracks down on uninsured drivers

HOUSTON, Miss. (WCBI) – Several new laws went in effect across Mississippi last weekend.

One of those cracks down on uninsured motorists.

RELATED: Rules of the road are changing

If you are driving around without car insurance, you might find yourself hit with some pretty hefty fines. And buying insurance after the fact will no longer get you out of them.

“If you’ve not got insurance and if you do still buy the insurance, it’ll still cost you $516 no reducing it down,” said Houston Police Chief Billy Voyles.

And that’s just the beginning after everything is said and done. That $516 could easily turn into $600.

Insurance Agent Amanda Parish says that this is an extension of a law already on the books.

“It’s existed for a while, and it just gives you more bite to it, if you will, and I think people take more action to get insurance that is required law,” said Parish.

Before the change, uninsured motorists were able to buy insurance after their citation and get the fee reduced to around $200.

The new law puts the brakes on that.

“We see it all the time it’s still quite a few people that ain’t got insurance around here so I think we ought to buy it they need to buy it too,” said Chief Voyles.

And those uninsured drivers can affect everyone.

“The consequences are numerous what can happen if you don’t have insurance the liability you cause it can be devastating to you your future wages your existing lifestyle. Your livelihood is strapped on the hood of your vehicle,” said Parish.

We didn’t have to drive far to find people who agree with the new rules.

“They ought to do it because if everybody got a have insurance I have to have insurance and all my stuff, and I can’t get on the road without it so what’s fair for one oughta be fair for everybody,” William Shaw.

“It’s a good idea because if he hits you, he doesn’t have any insurance then you got to use your collision to fix your car it’s a good idea for everybody have insurance that’s all,” said Clarence Chandler.

Chief Voyles says that if you do have insurance but don’t have it on you at the time of the citation, it is up to the judge on whether or not you will pay this fine.

Categories: Featured, Local News

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