New Hope student looks to end hunger with help from community

LOWNDES COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – An 8th grader from New Hope Middle School is looking to end hunger with the help of her community and surrounding states.
Carolina rush is part of the National Junior Beta Club and each year members must complete 20 hours of community service.
Last year Caroline decided to do a food drive with the goal to raise her body weight and she doubled those numbers, but for this year she wanted to go bigger.
For February, she went door to door in multiple neighborhoods collecting food items and cash donations.
Her dad told WCBI she got donations from friends in Columbus and almost every state in the Southeast including Missouri, Texas, Florida, and even Brazil.
After Rush’s last shopping trip, the total of food raised was over 2,000 pounds.
She will be delivering the items collected to local churches and organizations in the area.