New Hope Elementary responds to heat concerns

LOWNDES COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – Keeping warm is a main priority for everyone in these below-freezing temperatures.
Parents are voicing concerns about heating issues at New Hope Elementary.
A parent who reached out to WCBI said the kindergarten through third-grade building has not had adequate heat.
Sources say some rooms have been given heaters to help warm their rooms, but that the heaters have caused the breakers to trip after pulling too much energy.
We reached out to the Lowndes County School District about the issue and they released a statement saying and I quote,
“New Hope Elementary has heat throughout the building. However, there are some rooms where the heating is not reaching the desired level as quickly as we would prefer. In those rooms, we have portable heaters to ensure a comfortable environment for students and staff. Thank you for your understanding and support.”
This was the same statement the district released to parents.