New Court Ruling Will Allow HB 1523 to Become Law in Mississippi
JACKSON, Miss. (WCBI) – A higher court ruling clears the way for a controversial bill to become law in Mississippi.
Thursday, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed a lower federal court’s decision to strike down House Bill 1523, claiming the challenge lacked standing.
House Bill 1523 was introduced last year, and it aims to protect those that might refuse services to anyone because of “deeply-held religious beliefs.”
The bill was blocked just minutes before it was supposed to go into effect, by District Court Judge Carlton Reeves.
Reeves ruled that the law creates unequal treatment for those in the LGBT community.
Thursday’s ruling says the plaintiffs did not provide examples of injury-in-fact, which means they could not show how this law is a form of discrimination.
The court ruling also says the law will stand until someone can show injury-in-fact and files a lawsuit
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