Neshoba County’s New EOC in Operation on May 15
PHILADELPHIA, Miss. (AP) — Neshoba County officials expect to be in their new emergency operations center by May 15.
Emergency Management Director Jeff Mayo told supervisors this past week that he’s waiting on the fiber optics to be completed between the EOC and the jail and from the EOC to the tower.
The 911 equipment will be installed the week of April 29.
That will be followed by optimizing the equipment and telecommunications training, Mayo said.
The project is costing $1.6 million. An open house is planned for May 4.
A local newspaper reports the county got a $976,800 grant from Mississippi Office of Homeland Security for the new building. A $233,267 federal matching grant to harden the exterior wall, roof, windows and doors. The grants require a 25 percent match by the county.
When the center is operating, it will receive and dispatch 911 calls not only from Neshoba County, but also for Kemper County, including its sheriff and police departments, volunteer fire protection districts and ambulance services, among others.
In return, Kemper will pay Neshoba County $60,000 for the first year of operation, which will increase by 5 percent the following year.
Discussions continue about adding the city of Philadelphia.
The EOC will house 911 communications, administrative offices, a so-called “war room,” support space and storage.
The center also has a safe room that has 12-inch blocks filled with concrete and reinforcement added to the walls and ceiling. The safe room would have space to shelter up to 40 people when the new EOC opens.
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