NAACP Get-Out-To-Vote Rally held in Aberdeen

The Monroe County NAACP hosted a get out to vote rally at Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church Saturday.

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ABERDEEN, Miss. (WCBI) – Voting is an essential right given to every person in the country.

But not everyone uses that right when given the chance.

Doubting that your vote matters is troubling to Ty Pinkins, a US Senate candidate.

“Voter apathy is absolutely dangerous because you’re basically saying that you’re discounting your own voice when you don’t go to the ballot box,” Pinkins said.

Young people are especially prone to indifference said the Assistant District Attorney of the 16th Circuit Court, Trina Davidson.

“They feel that their vote doesn’t count,” Davidson said. “And I believe that’s a lack of education and that we need to reach the younger, individuals and young adults to let them know that your vote definitely counts.”

Willie Stewart, an attendee said what the importance of voting is.

“If you think your vote doesn’t matter, then you’ll stay home,” Stewart said. “Then we keep getting the same thing that we’re getting.”

Within a community, people have certain responsibilities says one attendee, Caleb Roberson.

“You are a part of this community,” Roberson said. “So you should vote in this community. You should be a part of the change that you want to see.”

“Voting helps keep your community safe,” Davidson said. “Voting helps keep your community alive.”

Motivating people in your immediate circle to vote is important to Willie Stewart.

“I just want to encourage my friends, my families, make sure that my children are registered to vote,” Stewart said. “I take my grandson Monday. He’ll be registering the first time to vote. He’s turned 18 years old, and I’m encouraging his friends.”

“Just because we might have different opinions on something, our vote matters, and your vote counts,” Roberson said. “We’ve given the right we’ve been fighting for the right. Why not use the right?”

“I just want to encourage anyone that’s 18 years of age or older that’s not registered to register,” Stewart said. “And those that are registered make sure that they show up and vote.”

“That’s the American way,” Pinkins said. “Making sure that as many eligible Americans as possible, have access to the ballot box. And that’s how we grow our democracy. So many people have fought here in Mississippi. For us to have the right to vote, it would be a tragedy if we didn’t exercise that right.”

About two-thirds of eligible voters took part in the 2020 election according to the Pew Research Center.

To check your voter registration status in Mississippi you can use the ya’ll vote portal.

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