Multi-agency search leads to several charges for man in Verona

LEE COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – A multi-agency search led to one man facing several drug and felony firearm charges.
On May 21, the Lee County Sheriff’s Department assisted by the North Mississippi Narcotics Unit and the Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics, executed a search warrant in Verona.
During the search, law enforcement arrested 38-year-old Johnny Arnez Dillard at that property. Dillard is already on house arrest with MDOC for previous felony charges and is adding eight more charges to his record list.
Those charges include aggravated trafficking of a Schedule II controlled substance of methamphetamine. Four counts of trafficking of a schedule II controlled substance for fentanyl, hydrocodone, MDMA (better known as ecstasy), and oxycodone.
Two counts of felony possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and one count of possession of a stolen firearm.
Dillard’s bond was set at $750,000.