MSU Explains Process Of Decision On State Flag On Campus
Since 2001, Mississippi State University’s Faculty Senate. MSU’s Student Association governing bodies and MSU’s administration have supported changing Mississippi’s state flag. Despite that institutional support, the voters of Mississippi did not approve the 2001 voter referendum effort to change the state flag.
After the 2015 church shooting atrocity in Charleston, South Carolina, MSU’s leaders – administration, faculty and students – renewed their efforts and have again through direct contacts and the sharing of formal resolutions called on the duly elected state leaders who are constitutionally authorized to change the state flag to proceed on that course. The Mississippi Legislature has not yet chosen to address the issue of the state flag.
MSU President Mark E. Keenum has been outspoken in expressing his heartfelt personal support for flag change and has maintained an open dialogue with those representing diverse points of view on the question of the state flag, including the state’s elected officials and higher education governance.
Under our process of shared governance, the leadership in our individual colleges have flexibility in making decisions about operations under their jurisdiction. In keeping with that process, requests were made recently to replace the Mississippi flag in several locations with a larger American flag to better conform to our very large American flag which flies over the Drill Field (MSU’s primary campus green space), and Dr. Keenum approved those requests.
Dr. Keenum has said repeatedly that the issue related to whether Mississippi should change its state flag is not going to be resolved on our campus. That decision rests in Jackson with our elected leaders. Our focus at MSU should be and will be directed toward meeting the needs of the all-time record student enrollment this fall and on advancing our core mission of teaching, research and service.
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