MSU Dining Services provides Thanksgiving meals for students

MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIVERSITY (WCBI) – Not all college students can make it home for Thanksgiving, so Mississippi State University is making sure they have a traditional feast.
The university provided a traditional meal for students to enjoy over the holiday.
Students picked up meals of turkey, dressing, and traditional sides today at the Fresh Food Company on campus.
Many were international students and dining services staff say they hope the meal gives them a taste of the season ,and a reason to be thankful.
“Seeing the students that are not fortunate enough to go home and see the family so we’re trying to be the extended family they don’t have right here at Mississippi state dining and this is our second year doing this and it’s good…leaving a footprint in the community that students know that we care we have to support them,” said Dominic Towe from MSU Dining Services.
More than 300 students picked up meals during the first pick-up. A second pick up started at five and goes until 7 p.m.