MSMS students begin work on Tales from the Crypt

COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI) – Students are bringing their research to life.

The Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science students kicked off their year-long research project, “Tales from the Crypt,” at the Columbus-Lowndes Public Library.

The students had a chance to look through the archives.

MSMS Chuck Yarborough tells us that the students select a person buried in Friendship Cemetery, research their lives, and write a monologue.

Some students will have the chance to perform at the pilgrimage.

“What the students are researching are select documents of individuals from pre-1940s America from here in Lowndes County,” said Yarborough.

“I’m excited to you know delve into the documents and such. You know, other history classes may just give you a history textbook to look at but here, we get to actually research the original documents that hold certain information we’re looking for,” said Ross Chism, MSMS student.

The performances will happen at Friendship Cemetery in April.

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