Community leaders prioritize MSMS and MUW

COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI) – Don’t mess with success. That’s part of the message the City of Columbus, Mississippi University for Women and the Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science are taking to state lawmakers.
The City Council is working on its list of priorities to give to the Mississippi Legislature when it begins meeting in a few weeks.
Topping the priority list is protecting MSMS and The W.
Along with seeking more funding for both schools, city and county leaders, along with alumni from both institutions have been formulating strategies and talking with area lawmakers to make sure there isn’t a repeat of the turmoil from this year’s session.
“In the last session, there was a surprise when this move, where they dropped the bill to potentially merge The W and move MSMS to Mississippi State. That was backdoor politics that we don’t need to continue to be happening. This year some legislators are bold in their comments that they’re looking to have MSMS moved to Starkville, and we’re reminding people that The W alums, MSMS alums, and the city, and county governments have also been working hard this Summer to ensure that they are not moved,” said Columbus Mayor Keith Gaskin.