Mothers brawl forces school lockdown

OKOLONA, Miss. (WCBI)- A school parking lot fight usually involves students but that’s not what happened in Okolona.

Okolona police say two mothers fought, one allegedly brought out an ice pick and a box cutter. One woman is charged and the other is in a Memphis hospital.

Okolona police say Esperonza Baker and Latoya Johnson were arguing in the hallway of Okolona High School Tuesday afternoon.

One mother claimed her child had been bullied by the other mother’s child.

The principal kicked the women out of the school after the loud argument and cussing.

Officers say the women got into a physical fight in the parking lot and then the school was placed on lockdown for about 25 minutes.

Investigators believe Baker grabbed the ice pick and then the box cutter but both were taken away from her.

Johnson was charged with simple assault and bonded out of jail.

Baker was taken to a Memphis hospital. She is expected to be charged with aggravated assault.

Categories: Crime, Featured

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