Monroe County dispensary owner says business has been slow, but steady

Wildflower Dispensary plans expansion on its property, once state signs off on plans

ABERDEEN, MISS. (WCBI) – For more than ten years, Nicole Huff and her husband have operated a bakery in Columbus, but when medical cannabis became legal in Mississippi, she wanted to branch out and sell a product she claims has been a big help in her life.

“Almost 20 years ago I was in a car accident and I ended up with back and arm full of metal.  Pain got worse and worse to where I couldn’t take pain pills anymore.  I finally, had one person, say, try cannabis.  I said, ok  , I was very reluctant.  But I hadn’t slept in a full night in five years, so the first time I took one of those gummies, I slept the entire night, I wasn’t in pain,” Huff said.

The Huff’s opened Wildflower Dispensary six months ago in Aberdeen.  Since then Huff says business has been slow.

“There is a misconception that is you are in cannabis, you make millions of dollars, but not starting out, and in Mississippi, it is regulated,  I think last I checked, we only had 46 thousand patients in the state,” she said.

Huff says the regulation is good , for patients and business owners.

“Everything we have is licensed through the state, it is grown in state, it also goes through rigorous testing, it is all tested for anything that could hurt you,” Huff said.

There is a lot of unused space at Wildflower Dispensary, and the Huffs have plans for all of it.

“In the back of dispensary there is a small kitchen, we will do that as a storefront bakery for regular goodies.  In back we will start a processing company which we will do cannabis edibles, baked, pre rolls, flour processing back there,” she said.

Although that expansion and approval from the state will take some time, the Huffs say they are in it for the long haul .

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