Video: Monroe Co. Town Could Be Out Thousands Over Stolen Rental Equipment

MONROE CO., Miss. (WCBI) – A Northeast Mississippi town may be out thousands of dollars if a stolen ATV is not found soon.

A John Deere “Gator” was stolen from Hamilton. Monroe County Sheriff Cecil Cantrell says the theft occurred last week sometime.

The sheriff says the city of Hamilton was leasing the ATV from a local business, and since there was no insurance on the vehicle, the town will have to come up with the money to replace the Gator if it is not found.

“Anytime you are talking about a situation like this , $6,500 dollars, when you are trying to do things for kids, have fields ready to play on and stuff like that, that’s a pretty good bit of money,” the sheriff adds.

Anyone with information on the stolen Gator is asked to call the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office.

Categories: Crime, Local News

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