Mississippi lawmakers prepare for 2024 Legislative Session

MISSISSIPPI (WCBI) – The new year means new goals for lawmakers.

Lawmakers will be heading to Jackson next week to start the 2024 Legislative Session.

District 41 Representative Kabir Karriem and District 43 Representative Rob Roberson said they expected a full agenda this session and some issues will likely produce more debate than others.

“The table from the ballot initiative that I think we are going to get some bi-partisan support because citizens need a way to put measures out there in the public that the ballot doesn’t bring up. So, the ballot initiative is that conjure to do it on. There is a lot of talk about school vouchers this year. Which is going to be a very controversial issue,” Karriem said.

“There are probably two really big issues that are pairing. That’s going to be some type of issue dealing with Medicaid and the other is going to be PERS. PERS is going to be a real big issue to deal with and making sure the foundation of PERS is still strong,” Roberson said.

Roberson said a personal bill he is working on is to recognize fatherhood from the moment of conception.

“What I mean to say is that fathers should be paying money the moment that baby has been conceived. And if they are not married to that mother there needs to be some type of financial obligation to help that mother along. And right now, we don’t have that,” Roberson said.

Kareem said he will be re-introducing one bill and working on another to protect against workplace discrimination.

“I’ve introduced every year as we proceed to Dr. King’s holiday to do away with the dual celebration of Robert E. Lee,” said Karriem. “Dr. King is a national holiday and he is a national hero. I think we should observe his day solely by himself. Also, the CROWN Act. The CROWN Act is a celebration or an act where people won’t be discriminated against because of their hairstyles or how they wear their hair.”

While there will be different views on particular issues, the state representatives said they are working to forge relationships to build a better Mississippi.

The legislative session begins on January 2, 2024.

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