MCSO part time academy cadets do the Murph workout

That workout is named after Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, the first service member to receive the Medal of Honor for service in Afghanistan.

AMORY, MISS. (WCBI) – Members of the part-time academy at the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office observed Memorial Day by doing a workout that honors a medal of honor recipient.

Cadets, along with deputies from the sheriff’s office met at 15 29 Gym in Amory for the Murph workout.

That workout is named after Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, the first service member to receive the Medal of Honor for service in Afghanistan.

The workout is tough, consisting of a one-mile run, 100 pullups, 200 pushups, and 300 air squats, followed by another mile run.

It was a challenge for everyone, but cadets in Class Four have been preparing, with PT.

It was also a chance to remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.

“We have been doing these same types of exercises for the past several weeks, building to this and watching you and others in the class, you were on pace with me, and they were right there with me, you finished strong, it was a true test,” said Capt. John Bishop.

“I think it did help, it prepared us, the running was sheer will, after the first mile, the second mile, was pretty tough,” said Cadet Ben Graham.

“I think it is special for anybody who likes freedom, coming out here doing this gives us a little camaraderie, together time, I hope everyone takes at least ten, fifteen minutes to thank God for the freedoms we have and men and women who have died for them,” said Sheriff Kevin Crook.

“So the workouts we do is a little bit of everything. Gymnastics, cardio, weight lifting, I feel like you have to have that if you are running down a bad guy you have to be able to run him down and not give up on him,” said Fermin Haro, owner of 1529 Gym.

All participants finished the Murph workout in under an hour. Cadets in Class Four have our final PT test one week from today.

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