Mantachie business helps those impacted by recent floods

Addie's Brew collects more than $8,000 during a one day fundraiser for flood victims

MANTACHIE, MISS. (WCBI) – With every order at Addie’s Brew, customers have a chance to leave a donation for flood victims. Owner Trinity Nichols and Barrista Lee Loden wanted to do something big to kick off the fundraising effort.

“When we started seeing pictures of the flood and hearing some of these people had no insurance, we were like, let’s do it. That is kind of how me and Lee, we roll,” Nichols said.

So on Friday, March 21, all sales at Addie’s Brew went to flood victims.

“We brought in a little over $8,000, went through, like eleven gallons of cold brew, think sixteen gallons of milk, we run out of everything,” Loden said.

The community response means a lot to Kelli Wallace, owner of Little Mustangs Learning Center.  Her daycare was flooded, and now she is dealing with insurance adjusters, and praying about future plans. Wallace said she is certain of two things, her faith, and the Mantachie spirit.

“Right off the top we were offered Mantachie First Baptist as a temporary location, we have 57 students enrolled, so that is 57 with nowhere to go so thankfully they opened up to us. I tell everybody there is not much I love more than my hometown just because of reasons like this,” Wallace said.

Sam Farris is the owner of “Sam’s Town Market”. Farris said the generosity from locals is amazing, but not surprising.

“I own a grocery store and we don’t do $8,000 in a day, so when you talk about a coffee shop open a few hours, they did $8,000, selling cups of coffee, people knew what the cause is for, they believed in it and know business owners like Kelli really need the dollars and cents, just to get through until they can re-open,” Farris said.

Addie’s Brew will continue to collect donations for the next week or so.  That money will then be distributed among homeowners and businesses impacted by the floods.

Wallace said she plans to re-open her daycare, in Mantachie.

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