Lowndes Co. supervisors take steps forward on how to spend American Rescue Plan Act money

LOWNDES COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – Lowndes County supervisors take another step forward on how to spend American Rescue Plan Act money.

Four consultants made a pitch for their services at today’s board meeting.

The groups told county leaders what they could provide and how much they would charge.

Many cities and counties are looking for guidance on how to spend federal money and what is allowed.

Now, some supervisors want to make a list of things they would like to spend the money on and have one of the consultants make those lists a reality.

“Just things like rural water associations. We haven’t heard from rural water associations. I am assuming that we would. There are some initiatives from the state. We know that may be a legislative priority that they are gonna have, as far as matching money for rural water and sewer associations. And so, I see those requests coming and we have to set up granting programs for those and that takes time to do,” said Supervisor Trip Hairston, District 2.

Supervisors could select a consultant at their October 15th board meeting.

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