Lowndes Couple Accused Of Stealing Car, Going On Shopping Trip

April Richardson
Source: Lowndes County Sheriff’s Office

Jeremy Vasser
Source: Lowndes County Sheriff’s Office
LOWNDES COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – A Lowndes County couple is accused of taking someone’s vehicle and credit card, then going on a shopping trip.
Jeremy Vasser and April Richardson are both charged with felony taking of a motor vehicle and fraudulent use of an ID.
Investigators also charged Richardson with burglary-breaking out of a dwelling.
Deputies believes Richardson was inside the victim’s house and woke up in the middle of the night, then stole the keys and credit card. She then left with them.
The couple is also accused of going to Walmart and buying several items without the victim’s permission.
Richardson remains in jail on hold from the Mississippi Department of Corrections.
Vasser also remains in jail.
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