Lowndes County road manager search continues

The search for Lowndes County's road manager continues

LOWNDES COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – Lowndes County’s road manager will stick around a little longer, as supervisors narrow their search.

The board met Monday morning to discuss county business.

One item on the agenda was to interview a road manager candidate.

Mike Aldridge, the man currently in the role, recently announced his retirement.

This position is one appointed by the board of supervisors.

Some on the board know the criteria they hope applicants will meet.

“You look for a lot of things. It is just the ability to deal with a lot of the public phone calls that come in, and now they have to have some good experience, obviously, with deal with road issues, that sort of thing, and they also set some policy whether they do more spraying or more cutting or how that works and they have to do assessments of the equipment. So, it’s a big job, big shoes to fill,” said Board President and District 2 Supervisor Trip Hairston.

Aldridge did tell supervisors he would stick around through December.

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