Lowndes County EMA works to get rain tarps for damaged roofs
LOWNDES COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – The recovery stage from Tuesday night’s storm continues.
With rain expected in the forecast, the Lowndes County EMA wants to make sure homeowners are dry.
A request was made to the state to receive large tarps to cover people’s roofs.
The local EMA is trying to give out as many tarps as it can.
“That’s why we call the state and requested the tarps for the homeowners. We knew that rain was in the forecast and we know that from the disaster we have a lot of roof damage in this area. We are trying to get it to the homeowners so they can get it up before the rain moves in,” said Cindy Lawrence, Lowndes County EMA Director.
You can call the Lowndes County EMA to request tarps for your home.
The Lions Club is also donating cleaning supplies to people who can show proof of residency in Lowndes County.
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