Lowndes Co. Supervisors talk storm safety for certain areas

LOWNDES COUTNY, Miss. (WCBI) – The Lowndes County Board of Supervisors has approved funding to build storm shelters in Crawford, Artesia, and Plum Grove, communities West of the Tombigbee River that have had no local shelter during severe weather.
Each town will host four FEMA-funded shelters, on government property, each holding up to 20 people, offering residents a safe place to go during sever weather.
Applied for in 2020, the project costs over $103,692, with FEMA covering $93,000 and the county contributing $10,000.
Supervisors call the shelters a game-changer, providing vital protection for residents when storms hit.
“Game changer, life safer. Whatever term you want to use, it is a blessing. People have been waiting for some time now to know that they have a refuge in terms of having a place to go when we have bad weather”, said Lowndes County Board of Supervisors’ Vice President, Jeff Smith.
There is no definite timeline of when the shelters will be installed, however supervisors say it should be soon.