Lowndes Co. supervisors approve on a new mapping project

LOWNDES COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – A project will soon get underway to provide more accurate mapping for Lowndes County.
Supervisors approved an agreement to have a company come in and produce detailed, high resolution maps of properties in the county using Light Detection and Ranging, or LiDAR.
Once the project begins, a specially equipped car will drive every street and road in Lowndes County, surveying each property as it goes.
It’s similar to the Google Maps cars.
The end goal is to have detailed maps and pictures of properties in the county in the event of natural disasters.
Having these “before” pictures can help better assess damage to an area and provide data for more complete reimbursement from FEMA and MEMA after a disaster.
Supervisors approved spending up to $350,000 for the project.
Board President Trip Hairston said it’s more of an investment.
“It will pay itself back in one disaster. Of course, we hope we don’t have a disaster, but in case you do, this is almost like an insurance policy that will allow us to have very detailed mapping and survey where we can assess the damage”, said Hairston.
The mapping project is expected take around 3 years.