Lowndes Co. Supervisors finalize plans to raise employees’ pay

LOWNDES COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – Lowndes County Supervisors have finalized a plan that will net all county employees a pay raise.
When the new budget took effect in October, it included a pay raise for most county workers, but two groups of employees weren’t included, part-time workers, and retirees are part of the Public Employees Retirement System, or PERS.
Supervisors decided that it made sense to bring their pay up in relation to the raises given to full-time employees.
County leaders believe it’s not only a matter of fairness, but it also helps them keep good employees on-board in a competitive job market.
There’s a wage pressure we’ve seen happen over the last 3 to 4 years that we’ve seen increase, and we need to keep up. If we’re going to keep the services where we’ve had them, where we’re going to rely on people to provide those services, we need to make sure we’re paying them commiserate with other counties, of course, and with other rate of pay that is here,” said Trip Hairston, President Lowndes County Board of Supervisors.
Employees should start seeing the increase at the first of the year.