Lowndes Co. Board of Supervisors votes for new surveillance cameras

LOWNDES COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – The price tag for a camera system for the Lowndes County Sheriff’s Office is going to be a little higher than expected.

At their December 15th meeting, Lowndes County Supervisors voted to approve the purchase of 4 portable surveillance cameras.

After further communication with the supplier, it turns out that the deal was for a 5-year lease rather than a purchase of the camera system.

Supervisors are revisiting the issue since that lease would roll over into the term of a new board.

The County Attorney is researching the matter to help supervisors come up with a contract that meets the legal standards.

The Board is still united behind the 5 year $50,000 deal.

They believe the investment in safety is worth the cost.

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