Lowndes Co. agencies meet to discuss prep for bad weather

LOWNDES COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – Lowndes County first responders and agencies meet September 11 to discuss their response to Hurricane Francine.
These meetings allow everyone to be on the same page, should their services be needed.
WCBI Chief Meteorologist Isaac Williams gave the group an idea on what and when to expect from the storm.
Shelters, volunteers, and hospital services all participated as well, along with most schools.
Emergency Management will continue to monitor the storm and update the agencies throughout the day.
“We are saying to the citizens that we need you to make sure to remove all debris around your house, such as patio tables, patio furniture, umbrellas, and garbage cans. Those things can cause damage to your home or damages to other residents in the neighborhood. We are asking to make sure to clean out your gutters, make sure to remove all debris around your home that can become airborne when the wind picks up”, said Lowndes County EMA Director Cindy Lawrence.
City and county agencies spent the afternoon putting gas in their vehicles and preparing equipment, such as ATV’s and drones.