Local tire shop recommends checking your tires before you drive
COLUMBUS, MISS. (WCBI) – While they say take care of your three P’s, – peoples, pets, and pipes – make sure you are taking care of your four T’s, your tires.
During the winter your tire pressure light may be going off a little more than usual.
The air that is inside the tires begins to condense taking up less space when it is cold outside.
It is not safe to drive while your tire pressure light is on.
A salesman at Miller’s Tire shop, Terry Jennings says he knows what to do if your tire pressure light comes on in cold weather.
“Well when the tire light comes on in the cold weather, your door plate card tells you what PSI it’s supposed to be at. So if it says thirty-five normally in the cold weather seasons we try to put a little more in it like thirty-six or thirty-seven because when it drops past what the door plate card says the light comes on,” said Jennings. “So in the colder weather, we try to put a little more air in them for the fluctuation.”
A recommendation would be to check your tire pressure once or twice a month especially when you see those lower temperatures.
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