Local nonprofit lends helping hand to longtime CO recovering from illness

LOWNDES COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – A local nonprofit is helping a Lowndes County corrections officer who’s recovering from a serious illness, and the group needs your help.
The Community Benefit Committee is hosting a bike rally and fish fry to raise money for Officer Mikki Goggins. The longtime corrections officers at the Lowndes County Sheriff’s Department recently suffered three strokes.
During her recovery from her illness, she is unable to work. CBC members said Goggins goes above and beyond in her role with the sheriff’s department, so they want to return the kindness.
“This officer is one of those officers that anything that we help with the foster kids for Christmas. She’s always on board and she has a giving heart. So we as a community, the job that she does and the way that she commits herself and personal time to the community, we need to give back to her,” said Rhonda Sanders, CBC.
The events in honor of Officer Goggins are Saturday, September 30.
The bike rally will start at 9:30 a.m. at the Columbus Soccer Complex.
The fish fry begins at 11 a.m. at the Farmers’ Market. All money raised will help with Goggins’ medical expenses.
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