Large Burglary Ring Busted
TISHOMINGO CO., Miss. (PRESS RELEASE) – The Tishomingo Sheriff’s Department has worked multiple burglaries that have been reported to the sheriff’s department over the past few weeks. These burglaries all occurred around the Eastport/Snowdown area of the county and it involved the theft of A.T.V.’s (All-Terrain-Vehicles) and firearms from different residences.
They occurred around the months of March and April of this year and the investigation began. Information was received, which lead to the arrest of 3 individuals and more individuals will be arrested and charged.
Most of the property was able to be recovered and returned to the original property owners.
During the course of the investigation, Tishomingo Sheriff’s Investigators learned of some stolen property that came from the Colbert County, Alabama area and was recovered in Tishomingo County. This property, a large pile of professional grade fireworks, was confiscated by the Colbert County Alabama Sheriff’s Department and their investigators pursuing charges into this.
This investigation is still on going and will be until all suspects are arrested.
The three arrested and charged are as follows:
Vincent Mailhot, 18-year-old, white male, of 384 CR 246 Iuka, Mississippi was officially charged with concpiracy to commit a crime- burglary, burglary of a dwelling, 3 charges of possession of stolen property, and two charges of grand larceny.
Dakota Garner, 19-year-old, white male, of 1479 Whitehouse Road in Iuka, Mississippi was officially charged with conspiracy to commit a crime – burglary.
Wesley Ian Hollis, 18-year-old, white male, of 197 CR 23 in Dennis, Mississippi was officially charged with conspiracy to commit a crime – burglary and possession of stolen property.
Sheriff Daugherty states that these individuals will be presented to a Grand Jury and more charges could be coming forward on these three.
Sheriff Daugherty would also like to thank the Colbert County, Alabama Sheriff’s Department in assisting his agency with this case.



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