Hospitals and medical centers are in need of blood donors

LOWNDES COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI)-The need for blood is constant, especially during the pandemic.

With fewer donors, hospitals and medical centers may experience a blood shortage, putting their supply at a critical point.

Vitalant is one of the largest service providers medical centers depend on for blood supply.

But when their shelves go bare, it can lead to a shortage in other facilities.

“We’re seeing a slight decline. At the beginning of COVID, we did have a large number of donors coming out but it’s starting to decline,” said Donor Recruitment Representative Kat Nokes.

She says supply numbers are at an all-time low.

“Especially going into the school season, we rely a-lot on high schools and colleges for a-lot of our blood but they’re not allowing us to come on campus anymore,” said Nokes.

To keep the shelves stocked, Vitalant partnered with Baptist Memorial Hospital Golden-Triangle for a blood drive.

Blood bank supervisor, Sandi Kilburn says while there is not an inventory crisis in the hospital, it’s helpful to have blood on hand.

“Our hospital is fully stocked, but there always is some shortage during the summer because people are on vacation. They’re very busy. We’ve also got Covid-19 this year. People can’t get out or choose not to come out and that’s contributing to a lower supply coming in,” said Kilburn.

Of the donors, only a handful will match rare blood types.

“RH negatives, O positives. We need plasma and we also need platelets. Platelets have a shelf life of five days,” said Kilburn.

And during donations, donors will also be tested for COVID-19 antibodies.

“They take small sample tubes when you donate and then the lab does their regular testing as we do for all blood. They test for the antibodies which show if you’ve had the virus,” said Nokes.

Vitalant is offering COVID-19 antibody testing through August 31st.


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