Harvest season is looking good for area farmers
GOLDEN TRIANGLE, Miss (WCBI) – While temperatures are warm, in some areas, you might think it’s been snowing.
The residue from one of Mississippi’s cash crops showing up on the sides of the road is evidence of harvest season.
And local economist is projecting a good year.
According to the MSU Extension Service, Mississippi farmers’ crop prices are higher than in 2021 and much higher than in 2020, meaning many farmers stand to cash this year.
“It really came at the best time it possibly could because they were facing such high production costs this year on the crop they grew. This spring, when they were buying fertilizers, they were probably paying 50 to 100 percent more for the fertilizer than they did last year,” said Dr. Maples.
Even with those higher input costs, Dr. Maples says farmers should see a good return.
“The prices they can get for the delivery this fall of that harvested crop we are seeing is the highest its been in probably in two years, and this is a really good outlook for producers because they went through some really lean times in 2019 and 2022 and you know with 7 dollars corn and $13 soybean, and up it is a really good opportunity for producers to kind of have a little bit of a reprieve and have a win for a change,” said Dr. Maples.
Noxubee County farmer Jack Huerkamp agrees that this year’s harvest is good despite some challenges.
“A good year, not a great year. We lost cotton to boll rot. It just happens. We had a good bit of boll rot and but we had a lot left. So we are still going to have a decent year,” said Huerkamp.
Huerkamp says that better prices on the farm can also spread into town.
“As I earn money, that means I can purchase equipment, Purchase supplies, and whatever else. That money comes to me, and my money goes back into the economy to pay other people to do things,” said Huerkamp.
Huerkamp says not everybody has had a good year; some are just breaking even, and others are now in debt. He says that there are some variables you can’t control.
“We are at the mercy of mother nature, and our income comes from when mother nature is kind of good to us, and we make it through, and we try to do the best that we can to make the best crop we can, ” said Huerkamp. “You win some; you lose some. You have good years, and you have bad years.”
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