Hamilton Pastor Arrested In Kentucky Sex Sting Operation

Michael Shane Cruse
Source: Boyle County Sheriff’s Office
DANVILLE, KY (WCBI) – A Monroe County pastor and Columbus restaurant owner is arrested in an online child sex sting operation in Kentucky.
Michael Shane Cruse, 46, is charged with unlawful transaction with a minor 1st degree – illegal sex act under the age of 18 and prohibited use of electronic communication system to procure a minor or peace officer, sexual offense.
Cruse was arrested this past Saturday in Danville, Kentucky.
Court documents accuse Cruse of starting an online chat and arranging to meet a 16 year-old gay teen for a sexual act.
That teen was really an undercover detective in Boyle County, Kentucky.
The court documents, signed by a the dectective, claim Cruse knew the age of the person he was meeting.
According to Cruse’s Facebook page, he is the pastor and founder at Restoration Life Church in Hamilton.
He’s also been associated with several other churches in the Columbus area.
Cruse also owns two restuarants in Columbus.
He is free on a $20,000 bond.
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