Golden Triangle shelters full as cold weather threatens outdoor pets
An influx of animals has inundated Golden Triangle animal shelters, and they give advice for people with outdoor pets during the cold.
THE GOLDEN TRIANGLE, Miss. (WCBI) – Every humane society and animal shelter in the Golden Triangle is nearly full.
The Oktibbeha County Humane Society or OCHS is overcapacity.
Community fostering and animal transport programs that take animals to other shelters are helping.
But these efforts are not enough to keep up with the demand.
Jessie Jones, West Point – Clay County Animal Shelter office manager said they have seen a large influx of animals lately.
“We’ve taken in at least 50 animals within the last three or four days,” Jones said. “We’re doubling up who we can, who we can safely double up. Just trying to keep everybody warm and safe as best as we can.”
This problem is worsened by not being able to use some outdoor kennels because of cold weather.
Ardra Morgan, the OCHS Spay and Neuter Clinic manager said managing overcapacity is difficult with the cold weather.
“It’s very hard to manage overcapacity in the shelter with the temperatures that we’re having,” Morgan said.
Jones said the influx of animals has a few causes, but one of the main reasons is over-breeding.
“Root of the problem is spay and neuter,” Jones said. “It’s not if you are able to, there are resources out there. Please spay and neuter your pets. It it is a must. It’s for their health, for disease control. Everything revolves around spay and neuter.”
OCHS believes post-COVID animal populations are higher due to the limited spay and neuter programs during that time.
Morgan said some animals are also given up because people simply can’t afford to take care of them.
“People are having difficulty just taking care of themselves and don’t have the extra funds to be able to properly care for their animals,” Morgan said. “We’re assisting our community in keeping the animals that they have in their home if they need a little bit of assistance for a short term.”
Many local humane societies and animal shelters offer short-term assistance to those who need help taking care of their animals.
Some shelters are also helping in other ways.
The West Point – Clay County Animal Shelter is giving away free hay.
OCHS has free straw.
Morgan described the best bedding to keep pets warm.
“The best bedding to use for outside animals is straw,” Morgan said. “It’s not hay, it’s not towels, it’s not blankets. It is straw.”
These animal lovers said whatever material you use to keep your pets warm, make sure it stays dry.
“Offer to help, offer to provide a dog house, offer to pick up straw for them,” Morgan said. “You know, that’s one of the biggest thing is community helping other community members.”
USA Today reports Mississippi has the highest animal shelter kill rate of any state in the nation.