Golden Triangle Dream Center builds beds for families in need

COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI) – What’s starting out as a few boards and screws will soon be a welcome addition to someone’s home.

“When we got here, we did not have much of anything. I found this church and they helped us out with getting beds for our kids,” said the founding director of the Golden Triangle Dream Center, John Almond.

He said the motto of the dream center is to find a need and fill it and to find a hurt and heal it. The Dream Center knows that a good night’s rest plays a huge part in a child’s education.

“A child that does not get a good night’s sleep, that we are offering these children to get a good night’s sleep so they can have an opportunity to learn and grow,” said Almond.

Lynn Suggs volunteers with the Dream Center. She said there is no better feeling than having an impact, on a child’s life.

“When you see the smiles on these kids’ faces when you see them read a bible verse on the end of their bed, it is just extraordinary to see them have a place to sleep at night,” said Suggs.

The parents of the children who received the bed said no one should be ashamed to ask for help. They also said they are grateful for the help they received from the Dream Center.

“They can sleep well now without having to worry about when and where they are going to get their next bed from. They also do not have to worry about how they are going to get good sleep,” said Erica Mister.

“The air mattress goes down and the kids say, ‘Dad, the air mattress is running out of air and on the floor.’ I do not have to worry about hearing that anymore, because they have beds now. And now, they can just go to bed,” said Maurice Barnum.

“We are just so happy that we have beds to sleep on now,” said the children who received the beds.

If you know anyone in need of a bed, the Golden Triangle Dream Center said they are easily accessible.

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