Gold Star families reflect at Memorial Day observance

STARKVILLE, Miss. (WCBI) – For many, Memorial Day means time off and the start of summer. For Gold Star families across the country, it means more.

A Gold Star family is a family who has lost a loved one that was serving in the military.

At the Oktibbeha County Courthouse, there’s a monument with the names of those from the county who were killed in action.

For family members, It’s a day of mixed emotions. Both heartache and pride.

“Comes from your heart,” Vietnam veteran Carll S. Wofford said.

It’s a day of thankfulness and humility for those who observe the day. However, for Gold Star families, it’s also a day of sorrow.

“I come to this every year to remember him and hope that everyone else remembers all the people on this site,” Georgia Bryan Lindley said.

Georgia Bryan Lindley is just one of the Gold Star family members of Lieutenant George M. Bryan. Lt. Bryan was shot down in a plane while serving in World War II. He was 21 years old.

“He was so terribly young. This was his 21st birthday and he got killed on his birthday, so that was going through my mind,” Lindley said. “At the time, he was a handsome young man.”

US Army Veteran Col. Jeff Donald was one of the men who had to tell families like Lindley’s about the death of their loved ones.

“When I was in New York, I was having to go and inform families that their son was killed or died. And that’s the hardest thing you can ever, ever do. Walk up there, usually if they see you coming up there, they’ll just sit down and they’ll break down,” Col. Donald said.

Although sorrow may be common at ceremonies across the country, U.S. Army Veteran Carll S. Wofford says it’s all about pressing on.

“I don’t think they’re hurting anymore today than they were yesterday. They are realizing what he did. He gave the ultimate, she gave the ultimate. So, life goes on and they realize that now,” Wofford said.

While some came to honor those family members on the monument, gold star family members say that it’s important that everyone reflects on this day.

“Many people in this town lost brothers and sisters, and nieces and nephews. And it means a lot for people to get out and speak to others who have lost someone,” Lindley added.

The memorial has 52 names of people from Oktibbeha county who were killed in action.

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