Former West Alabama Teacher Faces More Charges Of Having Sex With A Student

Charli Parker

James Parker
PICKENS COUNTY, Ala. (WCBI) – A former Pickens Academy teacher faces 12 additional charges of having sex with a student.
Charli Parker is now charged with 12 counts of a school employee having sex with a student, burglary second and burglary third.
Parker is also charged with distributing alcohol to a student.
District Attoney Chris McCool says the charges stem from an on-going investigation involving Parker and her husband, James.
McCool says the burglary charges are because Parker is accused of going into someone’s home and having sex with a male student.
She was previously charged with more than ten counts of having sex with a student, including at an outhouse and at a cemetery, with another student.
McCool says there are two victims and more than 20 charges of having sex with a student.
Some of the alleged incidents happened from October 2014 through March of this year.
In the same investigation, James Parker was charged with six counts of have sex with a student.
Investigators believe these alleged incidents happened from December 2014 through May 2015 at the Parker’s home in Pickensville.
At the time, the Parkers were educators at Pickens Academy.
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