Former teacher from Corinth faces child pornography charges

CORINTH, Miss. (WCBI) – A former Corinth teacher was in Federal Court on the morning of March 12, answering charges of producing child pornography.

Wilson Jones faces two counts of Production of a Morphed Image of Child Pornography.

According to a Federal affidavit used to secure an arrest warrant for Jones, the former school employee reportedly used an online artificial intelligence program to digitally alter images of students to show them engaging in inappropriate behavior, including kissing and exposing themselves.

The activity was detected on November 19, 2024, by an app the district uses to monitor school district computers. And the videos were reportedly retrieved from Jones’ computer by the I.T. department.

According to the documents, Jones admitted to using the program to create videos, but claimed they were not sexual.

Jones resigned his position on November 21.

Earlier this month, the FBI got a subpoena to retrieve the evidence from the school district.

Jones was arrested a few days later.

He had an initial appearance on March 12. His next hearing will be on Friday, March 14.

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