Former South Lamar High School athletes host kids football camp

MILLPORT, Ala. (WCBI) – Moving forward and giving back, that was the motto of former South Lamar High School athletes.

The camp organizers have played football at the collegiate level, and they said this was a great way to pass their knowledge of the game to younger generations.

“This is just something we never had, and we had a bright idea one day to bring it together,” said Jalen Gardner. “So we said, why not give it to the kids.”

“I just wanted to get all the little kids better, give them something to do,” E.J. Wilson. “Support my big brother Jalen, and just give back to the community.”

Participants were split up into separate groups based on their position.

Camp participant Justin Phillips said the camp will help him and others for this upcoming football season.

“This is going to help me a lot,” said Phillips. “It will help be more neat with my footwork and all that.”

“It is going to help them get better, make up for the losses and the mistakes they made, said Phillips. “Get them faster, and stuff like that.”

Speed, agility, footwork, and ball security are just a few of the things participants got to work on today. Organizers said this would help them in their athletic careers.

“They should be able to take everything from this camp, and put it into each season that they play,” said Gardner. “Everything will be helpful towards everything they do”

“Not only do I feel like this is going to translate on the football field, but even in their other sports too,” said Keidarris Griffin. “It is always good to have good footwork everywhere you go, so this is a great skills camp”

Over 20 kids participated in the camp, and organizers said they hope to have more children in next year’s camp.

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