Former Kossuth coach now facing federal sex charge

OXFORD, Miss. (WCBI) – A major new development Monday in the case where a former North Mississippi teacher and coach is accused of videoing female students in the locker room.

Micah Wilbanks, 29, now faces federal charges in connection with his May 3 arrest at Kossuth Middle School.

The federal case is a one count of Attempting to Use Minors in the Production of Sexually Explicit Content.

Documents in the case show school officials made the discovery of a cell phone in a girls locker room May 2.

At least 3 videos were located on the phone including one showing Wilbanks in the locker area.

The federal information says the former coach was impaired when he was confronted and at one point Wilbanks described himself as a pedophile.

A federal hearing on the charges Monday was delayed when Wilbanks attorney asked to resign as counsel.

You can read the federal documents in the case at the link below.


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