Food and coat drive hosted ahead of West Point MLK Day March
The Davidson Chapel CME Church partnered with Project Homestead to collect food and coats leading up to their MLK Day March.

WEST POINT, Miss. (WCBI) – With Martin Luther King Jr. Day approaching, it’s important to remember his teachings.
But honoring his legacy is not just about remembrance, it’s about putting his lessons into practice.
One of those is doing what you can to help those in need.
Anna Jones, the MLK Day event coordinator, shared one of MLK’s lessons that sticks with her.
“Whatever you set your mind to, he wants you to do it with all your heart and do the best that you can do,” Anna Jones said.
Bennie Lee Jones Jr., a volunteer, said MLK was always looking out for people in need.
“He was always looking out for people who were in need and people who were less fortunate than most other people,” Bennie Jones said.
As a lead-up to their MLK Day march and celebration in West Point, the Davidson Chapel CME Church is hosting a food and coat drive on behalf of Project Homestead.
The march, which has run for decades, began including a food drive during the pandemic.
This year they added a coat drive.
Anna Jones, the MLK Day event coordinator said giving back to the community feels like following MLK’s lead.
“You are giving something of you,” Anna Jones said. “I mean, even if it’s just a can, it means that you took the time out to go buy the can and bring it. That is something that means that you have taken the time out of your daily routine to do something for somebody else. Giving back to the community and then giving back to us, I mean, it’s like we are following in his footsteps. And I just pray that we keep in his footsteps and we never stop.”
Bennie Lee Jones Jr. volunteered for the drive to bring a positive change to where he lives.
“It just gives me a good feeling to be able to have an impact on my community,” Bennie Jones said.
Anna Jones said even though the work is hard, it is worth the effort.
“And it’s satisfying to see it,” Anna Jones said. “It’s a lot of hard work, but it’s satisfying.”
The MLK Day march in West Point will start at the intersection of East Half Mile Street and Martin Luther King Drive on Monday at 9:00 am.
The march will end at Mary Holmes Gymnasium where a program will be held.
Dry food, canned food, and coat donations will be accepted at the gymnasium after the march.