First COVID-19 vaccine expected in Mississippi next week

The first vaccine is expected in Mississippi next week.

In the first round of doses, there will be enough vaccine for 25,000 people. All of these are expected to go front line, critical care workers at acute care hospitals across the state.

Dr. Thomas Dobbs, the head of Mississippi’s Department of Health says he plans to take the first dose.

State health care administrators have a plan to provide doses to every acute care hospital – that is every hospital with critical care and trauma units. The amount each hospital receives is based on the number of people that each hospital has reported as critical care workers.

The vaccine, developed by Pfizer, is given in two stages and requires a specific storing temperature.

In week two, Dobbs says they hope to add additional health care workers and make the vaccine available at long term care facilities.

They are also planning to drive through vaccination locations for health care workers who do not receive the shots at their jobs.

It will be spring of 2021 before there are enough doses available for wider spread inoculation.

Categories: Local News

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