Farewell Robert Davidson
WCBI – It is rare that we do a story for an audience of one. In fact, it never happens.
But this next story is just for one person. Our News Director Robert Davidson is retiring.
He’s been around a long, long time in this business.
Robert started his news career as a photographer at WTVA. He has run camera at every televised sport at Ole Miss.
Robert has produced news, been the person who handed out assignments and he has been the news director at 3 television stations, including here at WCBI.
Through the years, he has missed holidays and birthdays and probably anniversaries.
Robert’s wife Julia and his sons have shared him with a business that sometimes requires 7 days a week and extremely long hours.
And we all thank you for that.
Here’s just a few familiar faces and old friends, Robert, to wish you well.
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