Experts gives hunting safety tips amidst bird flu

Pointing Gun On Ground


NORTHEAST MISSISSIPPI (WCBI) – It’s Turkey Hunting Season in Mississippi.

But this year, hunters have more to look out for than the bird.

The avian flu, or bird flu, continues to spread across the country, making its way through wild bird populations.

John Long is an avid turkey hunter.

“I hunt everything, but this is my favorite thing to hunt,” said Long.

With Turkey Season here, he said there’s nothing like being out in the woods.

“The weather, the time of season, that kind of rebirth that we have during the spring. Everything is coming out. Birds are just phenomenal,” said Long.

At daylight, Long uses a turkey call to mimic a hen, hoping to attract a gobbler.

“It’s your goal to get to him and make him come to you,” said Long.

But this year, Hunters have more to be cautious about.

Greg Flynn with the Mississippi State Department of Health said the avian flu is a growing concern.

“Don’t touch a wild bird that appears sick or that is dead. You can contact the Board of Animal Health. They’ll come out and check it out,” said Flynn.

Hunters are encouraged to take precautions when handling game, including wearing gloves, eye protection, and an N95 mask when dressing the bird.

“While cleaning and handling the game, don’t eat, drink or place anything near your mouth. You know, that’s how we get the regular flu. You put your hands up to your mouth, and it gets in your nose or in your eyes,” said Flynn.

They also said to dress the bird in the field and do not use the same tools to clean your game around other poultry or pet birds.

And when it comes to cooking, make sure your wild game reaches at least 165 degrees to kill any potential virus.

MSDH also said to shower and wash your tools after working with wild birds.

For more safety tips, you can visit the website for Mississippi State Department of Health.

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