Escaped Alabama Inmates Still On The Run
MARION CO., Ala. (WCBI) – Two inmates from the Marion County, Alabama jail have escaped and are still on the run this evening.

22-year-old Cory Dean and 20-year-old Zepplin Kennedy escaped from the Marion County Jail around 1:30 am Friday morning.
Dean is charged with 7 counts of burglary, 2 counts criminal mischief, one count of arson, and one count shooting into a dwelling.
Kennedy is charged with 31 counts of possession of child pornography and production of pornography with a minor.
Kennedy was last seen wearing a grey sweatshirt with white pants, and Dean was wearing a grey t-shirt with grey sweatpants.
Law enforcement believe they may be headed to Lee County, Mississippi- Dean has a girlfriend from that area.
Deputies believe they are in a silver Ford Ranger-stolen earlier today in the Hamilton, Alabama area.

It was spotted on highway cameras on I-22.
U-S Marshals are assisting in the investigation.
If you see either of these men, contact your local law enforcement- the two are considered to be dangerous.
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