Video: Educators Push For Kids To Go Outside For Basic Skills
By: Salena Schaffer
MACON, Miss. (WCBI)- From iPads, iPhones and computers, there is always entertainment readily at hand to keep kids distracted and preoccupied. We found out if this excess use of technology is hurting your child’s proper development of motor skills.
Running, playing, digging, throwing….
These are all gross motor skills that are absolutely vital to a child’s proper development.
“Outside play, outside play is very very important.” said preschool teacher, Shakimberly Jones.
Although technology can be a baby sitter, this time saver for parents could delay your child’s overall development.
Playing a simple game of catch can prove to be more valuable in the development of gross motor skills than playing on an iPad, technology is beneficial but it does have it’s limitations.
“Really you want them interacting, you want them engaged, you want their gross motor skills developed, you want their fine motor skills developed.” said Jones.
Gloria Jones is the director of the Happy Start Learning Centers, she admits technology is great but it’s all about moderation…
“We have iPads that are ordered for our younger children and a computer lab for our younger children but we limit the use of those technologies based on their ages.” said Director Jones.
The educators advice… Take children away from excess technology and instead take them outside.
“Taste, as a kid I would like to taste dirt, kids like to climb trees, and smell, hear the different sounds, the car sounds, the bird sounds identify different things, identify different plants, identify different insects…”said Jones.
“I would encourage parents to take time to take your children to the library, take time to just stroll down your neighborhood.” said Director Jones.
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