Doctors urge other physicians to talk with their patients about gun safety
MISSISSIPPI (WCBI) – They probably see it first hand more than anyone else – the damage that can happen from firearms.
Friday, the doctors who make up Mississippi’s Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Mississippi College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma urged physicians to talk with their patients about gun safety.
Mississippi has the highest rate of firearm deaths in the nation.
These doctors issued a statement reminding their own community to talk about safe handling, storage, and the responsibility that comes with firearm ownership. The doctors included hunter safety and gun safety in their message and urged the use of mental health resources.
The groups endorsed strong background checks.
They also support formal gun safety training and hunter safety training and safe gun handling education.
The doctors urge direct adult supervision in the use of firearms for children. They also encouraged recognizing mental health warning signs.
Pediatricians should incorporate questions about the presence and availability of firearms into their patient history-taking and urge parents who possess guns to prevent access to these guns by children.